Overstrand Bowls Club

Roll-ups every Monday and Friday 1:30pm onwards Starting Monday 22nd April 2024
(Weather Dependent)

History of Overstrand Bowls Club

The history of the club is unfortunately not well documented. There is an old photograph in the clubhouse that would indicate that the club may have been formed in the late 1920’s. If so of course that would mean that a centenary year would be imminent? (How exciting that would be…time to prepare a celebration perhaps?)

The club is blessed with a beautiful location overlooking the village cricket ground with its listed building being a rare thatched pavilion. This is all thanks to Lord and Lady Battersea who bequeathed the sports ground to the village of Overstrand in the early part of last century. Our bowls club is tucked away in the corner of the sports ground in a south facing position. (Ideal for topping up a sun tan while enjoying a few hours of bowls?)


Talk to us

If you would like to find out more or to become a member of Overstrand Bowls Club please get in touch